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2024 Newlife Anti Drug Music Show

Venue: Ma On Shan Plaza
Date: 22 June 2024
Time: 3-5:30 p.m.

Organisation Retreat

A rare retreat for co-workers. Retreats are really important for serving co-workers. Otherwise, it is easy to lose direction in the busy service. Even when Jesus was serving day and night, he had to retreat to the wilderness to calm himself and get closer to God. For us, it is not easy to hold a staff retreat because there are two sites that needs to have someone on duty. This year we entrusted several senior students to take care of the home, and the staff held a two-day and one-night retreat at the nearby Gold Coast Hotel. At the meeting, Pastor Li Jianxiang, who has been greatly used by God in China, was invited to serve as the speaker. She reminded co-workers that life change is God’s work. Only with the coming of Jesus can people’s lives be changed. We serve by relying on God’s power. In addition to receiving the power to serve God, the retreat also allows co-workers to put aside their tedious affairs and have time for each other to relax. Chatting in the park, walking on the beach, or even drinking and talking in the hotel lobby. It is really rare to steal half a day of leisure, and co-workers are even more looking forward to it. Next time we can break out of Hong Kong, we are all praying and waiting.

Brother George shares what he has learnt

Brother Hin shares what he has learnt​

Brother Long Yiu shares what he has learnt

Hong Kong Building Inspection Course​

The Association has always supported students in diversified further studies so that students can add value and equip themselves during the drug detoxification process. We are grateful to the students for actively participating in the class and completing the building inspection course to obtain certificates.

Part.1 Reverend Sam Cheng's Intro

Part.2 K shares her testimony

Part.3 Reverend Sam Cheng's Speech


Reverend Sam Cheng was invited to share the past and future of gospel drug addiction recovery. Over the past fifty years, gospel drug addiction has produced wonderful fruits and has been recognized and accepted by the government. Facing the changes of the times, how can evangelical drug addiction treatment carry forward the past and open up the future? Reverend Cheng believes that in the future, evangelical drug addiction treatment should remain unchanged in response to change.

Comprehensive drug treatment and rehabilitation center

The Future Comprehensive Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of our Association will be located in Shek Pik, Tung Wan, Lantau. It was formerly known as the Tung Wan Mok Law Shui Wah School. It covers an area of more than 120,000 square feet. There are more than ten buildings in good structure. Basic water and electricity are available and there is direct transportation. It is a good place for rehabilitation treatment

The 20th Anniversary of the New Life Christian Association

Counting the years from 2001 to 2021 is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the association. "Xinshengyuan" is the first drug treatment village opened by the association. Then it took over the "Ark Operation" to convert the women's drug treatment village into a male drug treatment. In 2020, the Women's Life Center was established. Renovation center to support female drug addicts recovering⸰ Then, in Qingshan Village, an abandoned village house was renovated into a good place for spiritual practice and reorganization of life. Director Pastor Zheng Zhenhua MH hopes to share with you some new ideas and new ministries in the future, so that everyone can know us better. Our association still needs the continued support of brothers and sisters and friends!

July 23, 2022 Sharing from the Anti-Narcotics Commissioner

Thank you to Anti-Narcotics Commissioner Li Jishun for supporting the efforts and contributions of our association and colleagues in anti-drug prevention education. The current challenge is that the use of marijuana and cocaine among young people has increased significantly and cannot be ignored. Emphasizing that anti-drug work requires a multi-pronged approach, including legislative control and prevention education and publicity.

On July 6, 2022, the anti-drug commissioner visited

The anti-drug specialist and several colleagues visited two drug treatment villages of our association. The commissioners expressed their appreciation for the association's contribution to drug treatment services and exchanged views on the service status. ​

January 8, 2022 Unity is strength!

A fire broke out in the Ark Operation Drug Rehabilitation Center on December 1, 2021, and many years of hard work were wasted. With the joint efforts of a group of united co-workers and brothers and sisters, the restoration of the Ark Operation was basically completed in just three weeks. Here Thank you to everyone who supports us.